ESP32: Binary Semaphore Not Providing Mutual Exclusion on FreeRTOS? Here’s the Solution!
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ESP32: Binary Semaphore Not Providing Mutual Exclusion on FreeRTOS? Here’s the Solution!

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Are you struggling to get your ESP32 project working with FreeRTOS and binary semaphores? Do you find yourself lost in a sea of concurrency issues, with your code failing to provide the mutual exclusion you so desperately need? Fear not, dear reader, for you’ve stumbled upon the right article! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the world of binary semaphores on ESP32 and FreeRTOS, exploring the common pitfalls and providing clear, step-by-step instructions to get your project back on track.

The Problem: Binary Semaphores Not Providing Mutual Exclusion

Before we dive into the solution, let’s first understand the problem. You’ve written a FreeRTOS-based application on your ESP32, utilizing binary semaphores to protect shared resources from concurrent access. However, much to your dismay, you’re still experiencing issues with mutual exclusion. In other words, your code is not behaving as expected, with multiple tasks accessing the shared resource simultaneously.

What’s Going On?

The culprit behind this issue often lies in the way you’re creating and using your binary semaphores. It’s essential to understand that binary semaphores in FreeRTOS are not a silver bullet for concurrency issues. Misusing or misconfiguring them can lead to the problems you’re facing. In the following sections, we’ll explore the common mistakes and provide solutions to get your binary semaphores working correctly.

Solution 1: Correctly Creating and Initializing Binary Semaphores

The first step in fixing your binary semaphore issue is to ensure you’re creating and initializing them correctly. Here’s an example of how to do it right:

SemHandle_t myBinarySemaphore;

void app_main() {
    // Create the binary semaphore
    myBinarySemaphore = xSemaphoreCreateBinary();

    // Initialize the semaphore
    if (myBinarySemaphore == NULL) {
        // Handle creation error
    } else {
        // Continue with your application logic

In this example, we’re creating a binary semaphore using the `xSemaphoreCreateBinary()` function, which returns a `SemHandle_t` type handle. We then check if the creation was successful by verifying the handle is not null.

Solution 2: Properly Using Binary Semaphores in Tasks

Now that you’ve created and initialized your binary semaphore, it’s time to use it in your tasks. Here’s an example of how to do it correctly:

void myTask(void *parameter) {
    while (1) {
        // Wait for the semaphore
        if (xSemaphoreTake(myBinarySemaphore, portMAX_DELAY) == pdTRUE) {
            // Access the shared resource
            // ...

            // Release the semaphore
        } else {
            // Handle semaphore take error

In this example, we’re using the `xSemaphoreTake()` function to wait for the binary semaphore. If the semaphore is available, `xSemaphoreTake()` returns `pdTRUE`, and we access the shared resource. Once we’re done, we release the semaphore using `xSemaphoreGive()`.

Solution 3: Avoiding Priority Inversion

Priority inversion is a common issue in real-time systems, including FreeRTOS. It occurs when a higher-priority task is blocked by a lower-priority task holding a resource. To avoid priority inversion when using binary semaphores, follow these guidelines:

  • Use the `xSemaphoreTake()` function with a timeout (e.g., `portMAX_DELAY`) to prevent indefinite blocking.
  • Ensure the shared resource is released as soon as possible to minimize the time the semaphore is held.
  • Avoid using binary semaphores to protect resources that require a significant amount of time to access or process.

By following these guidelines, you can minimize the risk of priority inversion and ensure your system remains responsive and predictable.

Solution 4: Using Mutexes Instead of Binary Semaphores

In some cases, using a mutex (mutual exclusion) might be a better approach than binary semaphores. Mutexes provide more flexibility and control over shared resources, especially when dealing with complex concurrency scenarios.

SemaphoreHandle_t myMutex;

void app_main() {
    // Create the mutex
    myMutex = xSemaphoreCreateMutex();

    // Initialize the mutex
    if (myMutex == NULL) {
        // Handle creation error
    } else {
        // Continue with your application logic

In this example, we’re creating a mutex using the `xSemaphoreCreateMutex()` function. You can then use the `xSemaphoreTake()` and `xSemaphoreGive()` functions to access and release the mutex, respectively.


In this article, we’ve explored the common pitfalls and solutions for using binary semaphores on ESP32 with FreeRTOS. By following the guidelines and best practices outlined above, you should be able to overcome the issues you’re facing and ensure mutual exclusion in your application.

Remember, binary semaphores are a powerful tool for concurrency control, but they require careful planning and implementation to work correctly. Take the time to review your code, identify potential issues, and apply the solutions presented in this article.

If you’re still struggling with concurrency issues, don’t hesitate to explore other synchronization mechanisms, such as queues, task notifications, or event groups. The key to success lies in understanding the underlying principles of concurrency and choosing the right tools for your specific use case.

Happy coding, and may the synchronization be with you!

Function Description
xSemaphoreCreateBinary() Creates a binary semaphore.
xSemaphoreTake() Waits for a semaphore to become available.
xSemaphoreGive() Releases a semaphore.
xSemaphoreCreateMutex() Creates a mutex.

Note: The code examples in this article are for illustration purposes only and might require modifications to fit your specific use case.

Keywords: ESP32, FreeRTOS, binary semaphores, mutual exclusion, concurrency, synchronization, embedded systems.

Frequently Asked Question

Get the answers to your burning questions about ESP32 and FreeRTOS!

Why is my binary semaphore not providing mutual exclusion on FreeRTOS?

A binary semaphore is a fundamental synchronization primitive in FreeRTOS, and it should provide mutual exclusion. However, if you’re not seeing the expected behavior, it might be due to incorrect usage or configuration. Make sure you’re creating the semaphore correctly, and that you’re not taking the semaphore from an ISR. Also, check that you’re not using the semaphore from multiple tasks without proper synchronization.

How do I properly initialize a binary semaphore in FreeRTOS?

To initialize a binary semaphore in FreeRTOS, you need to create a SemaphoreHandle_t variable and then call the xSemaphoreCreateBinary() function, passing the semaphore handle as an argument. You should also make sure to give the semaphore a unique name and set its initial count to 1. For example: `SemaphoreHandle_t mySemaphore = xSemaphoreCreateBinary();`

Can I use a binary semaphore to protect a resource shared between two tasks?

Yes, a binary semaphore is perfect for protecting a resource shared between two tasks. When one task takes the semaphore, it prevents the other task from accessing the resource until the semaphore is released. This ensures mutual exclusion and prevents race conditions. Just remember to take the semaphore before accessing the resource and release it when you’re done.

What happens if I take a binary semaphore from an interrupt service routine (ISR)?

Don’t do it! Taking a binary semaphore from an ISR is a no-no. ISRs should be kept short and sweet, and taking a semaphore can block the ISR, leading to priority inversions and all sorts of chaos. Instead, use a safe synchronization mechanism like a queue or a direct-to-task notification to communicate between the ISR and the task.

Can I use a binary semaphore to implement a timeout?

While you could use a binary semaphore to implement a timeout, it’s not the best approach. A timeout is typically implemented using a timeout-based API like xSemaphoreTake() with a timeout parameter. This allows the task to block for a specified period while waiting for the semaphore. Using a binary semaphore with a timeout can lead to tricky race conditions and make your code harder to maintain.

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