Mastering Angular: How to Inject Circular Referenced Factory Providers?
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Mastering Angular: How to Inject Circular Referenced Factory Providers?

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Are you tired of dealing with the pesky “Cannot inject XXX into YYYY” error in your Angular application? Do you find yourself scratching your head, trying to figure out why your beautifully crafted factory provider is refusing to be injected? Well, worry no more, dear developer! Today, we’re going to tackle the infamous circular reference conundrum and provide a step-by-step guide on how to inject circular referenced factory providers like a pro.

What’s the Problem?

Before we dive into the solution, let’s quickly understand the problem. In Angular, a circular reference occurs when two or more components, services, or factories depend on each other, creating a cycle of dependencies. This can happen when you have a complex system with multiple interconnected components that need to communicate with each other.

Imagine a scenario where you have a `UserService` that depends on a `LoggerService`, and the `LoggerService` depends on the `UserService`. This creates a classic chicken-and-egg problem, where neither service can be created without the other. Angular’s dependency injection system can’t resolve this circular dependency, resulting in the dreaded error.

Understanding Angular’s Dependency Injection

Before we tackle the circular reference issue, it’s essential to understand how Angular’s dependency injection system works. In Angular, services, components, and factories are all registered with the injector, which is responsible for providing instances of these dependencies when needed.

When you ask the injector for an instance of a service, it checks if the service has already been created. If not, it creates a new instance and caches it for future requests. This process is called “just-in-time” (JIT) compilation.

However, when you have a circular reference, the injector gets stuck in an infinite loop, trying to create instances of services that depend on each other. This is where the “Cannot inject XXX into YYYY” error comes from.

Solving the Circular Reference Problem

Now that we understand the problem and how Angular’s dependency injection system works, let’s explore the solutions to inject circular referenced factory providers.

Method 1: Use ForwardRef

The first method involves using the `ForwardRef` class from the `@angular/core` module. This class allows you to create a reference to a provider that isn’t yet available.

import { forwardRef, Provider } from '@angular/core';

// UserService
export class UserService {
  constructor(@Inject(forwardRef(() => LoggerService)) private logger: LoggerService) { }

// LoggerService
export class LoggerService {
  constructor(@Inject(forwardRef(() => UserService)) private user: UserService) { }

In this example, we’re using the `forwardRef` function to create a reference to the `LoggerService` in the `UserService` constructor, and vice versa. This allows Angular to create a circular reference between the two services.

Method 2: Use Injection Tokens

The second method involves using injection tokens to break the circular dependency. An injection token is a unique identifier for a dependency that allows you to register a provider with the injector.

import { InjectionToken, Provider } from '@angular/core';

// Injection token for UserService
export const UserServiceToken = new InjectionToken('UserService');

// Injection token for LoggerService
export const LoggerServiceToken = new InjectionToken('LoggerService');

// UserService
export class UserService {
  constructor(@Inject(LoggerServiceToken) private logger: LoggerService) { }

// LoggerService
export class LoggerService {
  constructor(@Inject(UserServiceToken) private user: UserService) { }

// Provider registration
export const UserServiceProvider: Provider = {
  provide: UserServiceToken,
  useClass: UserService,

export const LoggerServiceProvider: Provider = {
  provide: LoggerServiceToken,
  useClass: LoggerService,

In this example, we’re using two injection tokens, `UserServiceToken` and `LoggerServiceToken`, to register the `UserService` and `LoggerService` providers. We then use these tokens to inject the services into each other’s constructors.

Method 3: Use a Factory Provider

The third method involves using a factory provider to create instances of the services. A factory provider is a function that returns an instance of a service.

import { Provider } from '@angular/core';

// Factory function for UserService
export function userServiceFactory(logger: LoggerService): UserService {
  return new UserService(logger);

// Factory function for LoggerService
export function loggerServiceFactory(user: UserService): LoggerService {
  return new LoggerService(user);

// Provider registration
export const UserServiceProvider: Provider = {
  provide: UserService,
  useFactory: userServiceFactory,
  deps: [LoggerService],

export const LoggerServiceProvider: Provider = {
  provide: LoggerService,
  useFactory: loggerServiceFactory,
  deps: [UserService],

In this example, we’re using two factory functions, `userServiceFactory` and `loggerServiceFactory`, to create instances of the `UserService` and `LoggerService`. We then register these factory functions as providers, specifying the dependencies required by each service.

Best Practices

While the above solutions work, it’s essential to follow best practices to avoid circular references in the first place:

  • Avoid tight coupling**: Services and components should be loosely coupled, with minimal dependencies.
  • Use interfaces**: Define interfaces for services and components to decouple their dependencies.
  • Use dependency injection wisely**: Only inject services and components that are necessary for the functionality of a component or service.
  • Keep services single-purpose**: Services should have a single responsibility and avoid complex logic.


In this article, we’ve explored the pesky problem of circular references in Angular and provided three solutions to inject circular referenced factory providers. By understanding Angular’s dependency injection system and following best practices, you can avoid circular references and create a more maintainable and scalable application.

Remember, when dealing with complex systems, it’s essential to keep your dependencies in check and use the tools provided by Angular to manage circular references. With practice and patience, you’ll become a master of Angular’s dependency injection system!

Method Description
ForwardRef Use the ForwardRef class to create a reference to a provider that isn’t yet available.
Injection Tokens Use injection tokens to register providers with the injector and break the circular dependency.
Factory Provider Use a factory provider to create instances of services and specify dependencies.

Hopefully, this article has provided you with the knowledge and tools to tackle circular references in your Angular application. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to unravel the mystery of injecting circular referenced factory providers!

What is a circular reference in factory providers, and why is it a problem?

A circular reference occurs when two or more factory providers depend on each other, creating a loop. This is a problem because it can lead to infinite loops, memory leaks, and performance issues. It’s like trying to hold hands with yourself – it just doesn’t work!

How do I identify circular references in my factory providers?

To identify circular references, examine your factory provider dependencies carefully. Look for instances where one provider depends on another, and that second provider depends on the first one. You can also use debugging tools or graph visualization to help you spot the loops. Think of it like detective work – follow the clues to uncover the circular references!

Can I use constructor injection to resolve circular references?

Unfortunately, constructor injection won’t help you resolve circular references. It’s like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole – it just won’t work. Instead, you’ll need to use other strategies, such as setter injection or provider-based injection.

How do I use setter injection to resolve circular references?

To use setter injection, create a setter method in one of the providers that sets the dependent provider. Then, inject the dependent provider using the setter method after the main provider has been created. It’s like adding the final piece to a puzzle – everything falls into place!

What are some best practices for avoiding circular references in factory providers?

To avoid circular references, keep your factory providers simple and focused on a single task. Minimize dependencies, and consider using abstraction layers to decouple providers. Finally, regularly review and refactor your code to prevent circular references from creeping in. Think of it like keeping your code garden tidy – regular maintenance keeps the weeds from growing!