Unlocking the Power of C#: A Step-by-Step Guide to Calling an Existing C# DLL from VB.NET
Image by Arcelia - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking the Power of C#: A Step-by-Step Guide to Calling an Existing C# DLL from VB.NET

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Are you tired of rewriting code in VB.NET just because it’s already been perfected in C#? Do you want to harness the power of C#’s robust libraries and frameworks in your VB.NET projects? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll demystify the process of calling an existing C# DLL from VB.NET, empowering you to tap into the vast resources of the .NET ecosystem.

Why Call a C# DLL from VB.NET?

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty, let’s explore the benefits of calling a C# DLL from VB.NET:

  • Reusability**: Reuse existing C# code, eliminating the need for duplicate efforts.
  • Interoperability**: Seamlessly integrate C# libraries with your VB.NET projects, exploiting the strengths of each language.
  • Efficiency**: Focus on developing new features instead of rewriting existing C# code in VB.NET.


Before we begin, ensure you have the following:

  1. A C# DLL containing the functionality you want to reuse (we’ll call it MyCSharpDLL.dll)
  2. A VB.NET project in Visual Studio (we’ll use .NET Framework 4.8, but the process applies to .NET Core and later versions)
  3. A basic understanding of C# and VB.NET syntax

Step 1: Prepare the C# DLL

First, make sure your C# DLL is compiled with the correct settings:

// MyCSharpDLL.cs
public class MyClass
    public static string GetMessage()
        return "Hello, VB.NET!";

In Visual Studio, open your C# project, right-click the project, and select Properties. In the Application tab, ensure the Target framework matches your VB.NET project’s target framework.

Compiling the C# DLL

Compile your C# project to generate the DLL file. You can do this by:

  1. Right-clicking the C# project and selecting
  2. Using the command line: csc /target:library /out:MyCSharpDLL.dll MyCSharpDLL.cs

Step 2: Add a Reference to the C# DLL in VB.NET

In your VB.NET project, add a reference to the C# DLL:

  1. Right-click your VB.NET project and select Add Reference
  2. Browse to the location of your C# DLL (MyCSharpDLL.dll) and select it
  3. Click OK to add the reference

Verifying the Reference

To ensure the reference is added correctly, expand the References node in your VB.NET project and verify that MyCSharpDLL is listed.

Step 3: Call the C# DLL from VB.NET

Now that the reference is added, it’s time to call the C# DLL from your VB.NET code:

' MyVBNetClass.vb
Imports MyCSharpDLL

Public Class MyVBNetClass
    Public Function GetMessage() As String
        Return MyClass.GetMessage()
    End Function
End Class

In the above code, we’ve imported the MyCSharpDLL namespace and called the GetMessage() method from the C# DLL.

Understanding the Syntax

Note the following:

  • Imports MyCSharpDLL allows us to access the C# DLL’s namespace.
  • MyClass.GetMessage() calls the static method from the C# DLL.

Step 4: Consume the C# DLL in Your VB.NET Application

Create an instance of your VB.NET class and call the method that consumes the C# DLL:

' Form1.vb
Imports MyVBNetClass

Public Class Form1
    Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
        Dim vbNetClass As New MyVBNetClass()
        Dim message As String = vbNetClass.GetMessage()
    End Sub
End Class

In this example, we’ve created an instance of MyVBNetClass and called the GetMessage() method, which in turn calls the C# DLL’s method.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

If you encounter issues, check the following:

Error Solution
Cannot find the C# DLL Verify the DLL is in the correct location and the reference is added correctly.
Type ‘MyClass’ is not defined Ensure the namespace is imported correctly and the class is public.
Method ‘GetMessage’ is not defined Verify the method is public and static in the C# DLL.


By following these steps, you’ve successfully called an existing C# DLL from your VB.NET project. This powerful technique allows you to leverage the strengths of both languages, promoting code reuse, efficiency, and interoperability.

Remember to explore the vast .NET ecosystem, where you’ll find numerous libraries and frameworks waiting to be tapped into. With this knowledge, you’ll be able to unlock new possibilities in your .NET development journey.

Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to unlock the secrets of calling an existing C# DLL from VB.NET! Here are the top 5 questions and answers to help you navigate this terrain.

Q1: Can I directly call a C# DLL from VB.NET without any modifications?

Yes, you can! As long as the C# DLL is a .NET assembly, you can reference it in your VB.NET project and call its methods without any issues. Just make sure to add a reference to the DLL in your VB.NET project and import the necessary namespace.

Q2: What if the C# DLL is not a .NET assembly? Can I still use it in VB.NET?

Unfortunately, if the C# DLL is not a .NET assembly, you won’t be able to use it directly in VB.NET. However, you can use COM Interop or P/Invoke to call the DLL’s methods. This will require some extra work, but it’s possible.

Q3: How do I add a reference to the C# DLL in my VB.NET project?

Easy peasy! In your VB.NET project, right-click on the “References” folder in the Solution Explorer, select “Add Reference”, and then browse to the location of the C# DLL. Select the DLL and click “OK”. You should now see the DLL listed under “References” in your project.

Q4: Can I use late binding to call methods from the C# DLL in VB.NET?

Yes, you can use late binding to call methods from the C# DLL in VB.NET. This means you won’t need to add a reference to the DLL or import its namespace. Instead, you can use the `CreateObject` function to create an instance of the DLL and then call its methods using the `CallByName` function.

Q5: Are there any performance implications when calling a C# DLL from VB.NET?

In general, there shouldn’t be any significant performance implications when calling a C# DLL from VB.NET. Since both languages are part of the .NET framework, the CLR (Common Language Runtime) takes care of the underlying mechanics. However, as with any interop situation, there might be some slight performance overhead due to the extra layer of indirection.

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