Laravel Glide Can’t Find Images at URLs with Extension? Here’s the Fix!
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Laravel Glide Can’t Find Images at URLs with Extension? Here’s the Fix!

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Are you tired of dealing with Laravel Glide’s image processing woes? Specifically, are you frustrated with Glide’s inability to find images at URLs with extensions? Well, put those frustrations to rest, because today we’re going to dive into the solution!

What’s the Problem?

Before we dive into the fix, let’s understand the problem. Laravel Glide, a popular image processing package, is designed to make image manipulation a breeze. However, it can be finicky when dealing with image URLs that have extensions (e.g., .jpg, .png, .gif). When Glide can’t find these images, it throws an error, leaving you scratching your head.

Why Does Glide Struggle with Image URLs?

Glide’s struggles stem from its default configuration, which expects image URLs to be pointing to a file on the local filesystem. When you try to fetch an image from a URL with an extension, Glide gets confused and can’t find the image. This is because Glide uses the `filesystem` disk by default, which doesn’t support fetching files from external URLs.

The Solution: Using the `http` Disk

To overcome this limitation, we need to tell Glide to use the `http` disk instead of the `filesystem` disk. The `http` disk allows Glide to fetch images from external URLs, including those with extensions.

Here’s an example of how you can configure Glide to use the `http` disk:

// In your Laravel controller or a dedicated Glide configuration file
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Storage;
use League\Glide\ServerFactory;

$server = ServerFactory::create([
    'source' => Storage::disk('http'), // <-- Switch to the `http` disk
    'cache' => Storage::disk('public'),

// Now you can use Glide to fetch and manipulate images
$image = $server->make($imageUrl);

Configuring the `http` Disk in Laravel

In Laravel, you can configure the `http` disk in the `config/filesystems.php` file:

'disks' => [
    // ...
    'http' => [
        'driver' => 'http',
    // ...

Alternatively, you can create a custom disk configuration file, `config/http_disk.php`, and define the `http` disk there:


return [
    'driver' => 'http',

Then, in your Glide configuration, reference the custom disk configuration file:

'source' => Storage::disk('http_disk'), // <-- Use the custom disk configuration

Additional Configuration Options

When using the `http` disk, you may want to consider additional configuration options to optimize Glide’s behavior:


By default, Glide caches images in the `public` disk. If you want to cache images in a different location, update the `cache` configuration:

'cache' => Storage::disk('s3'), // <-- Cache images in an S3 bucket


When fetching images from external URLs, you may encounter timeouts. You can increase the timeout by setting the `timeout` option:

'timeout' => 30, // <-- Increase the timeout to 30 seconds

Best Practices and Caveats

When using the `http` disk with Glide, keep the following best practices and caveats in mind:

  1. Be cautious when fetching images from external URLs, as this can lead to security vulnerabilities (e.g., arbitrary file retrieval).

  2. Use the `http` disk only when necessary, as it can impact performance and introduce latency.

  3. Consider using a CDN or image proxy to reduce the load on your application and improve image delivery.


There you have it! With these simple configurations and adjustments, you can overcome Laravel Glide’s limitations and effortlessly process images from URLs with extensions. Remember to keep security and performance in mind when using the `http` disk, and don’t hesitate to experiment with additional configuration options to optimize your image processing workflow.

Keyword Description
Laravel Glide A popular image processing package for Laravel
`http` Disk A disk configuration that allows Glide to fetch images from external URLs
Filesystem Disk The default disk configuration that expects image URLs to point to local files

By following this comprehensive guide, you’ll be well on your way to mastering Laravel Glide and effortlessly processing images from URLs with extensions. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Having trouble with Laravel Glide and images with extensions? We’ve got you covered!

Why does Laravel Glide fail to find images at URLs with extensions?

Laravel Glide uses the path of the URL to determine the image location, and URLs with extensions can cause it to misbehave. This is because Glide assumes the extension is part of the image name, not the file type. To resolve this, you can use the `setSignatureKey` method to define a custom signature key or rewrite the URL to remove the extension.

How do I rewrite the URL to remove the extension?

You can use Laravel’s built-in `str_finish` function to remove the extension from the URL. For example, `str_finish($url, ‘.’.$extension)` will remove the extension from the URL. Alternatively, you can use a package like `league/flysystem` to handle URL rewriting.

What is the `setSignatureKey` method, and how does it help?

The `setSignatureKey` method allows you to define a custom signature key for Glide. By default, Glide uses the URL path as the signature key. By setting a custom signature key, you can specify a different identifier for the image, which helps Glide locate the correct image even with URLs containing extensions.

Can I use a package like `spatie/image-optimizer` to optimize images with extensions?

Yes, you can! Packages like `spatie/image-optimizer` work seamlessly with Laravel Glide and can help optimize images with extensions. These packages often provide additional features like image compression, caching, and resizing, which can improve performance and reduce bandwidth.

Are there any other workarounds for this issue?

Yes, another workaround is to use Glide’s `skipCache` method to bypass caching for URLs with extensions. This forces Glide to regenerate the image every time it’s requested, rather than relying on cached versions. However, this approach can impact performance, so use it judiciously.

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