Why Can’t I Wrap Sidekiq.configure_server in Rails after_initialize?
Image by Arcelia - hkhazo.biz.id

Why Can’t I Wrap Sidekiq.configure_server in Rails after_initialize?

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Ah, the frustration! You’ve spent hours tweaking your Rails app, making sure everything is just so, and then – BAM! – you hit a roadblock. You try to wrap Sidekiq.configure_server in Rails after_initialize, and… nothing. Zilch. Zip. Nada. It’s like the Rails gods are playing a cruel joke on you.

What’s going on, anyway?

Rails’ after_initialize callback is a powerful tool, allowing you to execute code after the application has finished initializing. It’s the perfect spot to set up your Sidekiq configuration, right? Wrong. Or, at least, not exactly.

The issue lies in the way Rails loads its configuration files. When you wrap Sidekiq.configure_server in after_initialize, you’re essentially trying to configure Sidekiq before it’s been fully loaded. Think of it like trying to decorate a Christmas tree before it’s been set up – it just doesn’t work!

So, what’s the fix?

Luckily, there are a few ways to skin this cat. Here are some solutions to get you back on track:

  • 1. Use a Rails initializer

    Create a new file in your Rails app’s config/initializers directory (e.g., sidekiq_config.rb). In this file, add your Sidekiq configuration code:

            Sidekiq.configure_server do |config|
              # Your config code here

    This way, your Sidekiq configuration will be executed during the Rails initialization process, but after the relevant gems have been loaded.

  • 2. Use a Railtie

    Create a new file in your Rails app’s lib directory (e.g., sidekiq_railtie.rb). In this file, define a Railtie class:

            module SidekiqRailtie
              class Railtie < Rails::Railtie
                initializer 'sidekiq.configure_server' do
                  Sidekiq.configure_server do |config|
                    # Your config code here

    This Railtie will execute your Sidekiq configuration code during the Rails initialization process. Don't forget to add the Railtie to your Rails app's config/application.rb file:

            require 'sidekiq_railtie'
            module YourAppName
              class Application < Rails::Application
                config.autoload_paths += %W(#{config.root}/lib)
  • 3. Use a Sidekiq-specific configuration file

    Create a new file in your Rails app's config directory (e.g., sidekiq.yml). In this file, add your Sidekiq configuration code:

              :concurrency: 25
              : queues:
                - [critical, 10]
                - [default, 5]

    Sidekiq will automatically load this configuration file during its initialization process.

But wait, there's more!

While the above solutions will get you up and running, there's an important caveat to keep in mind:

Order of operations

When using one of the above approaches, be aware of the order in which your code is executed. In particular, if you're using a Rails initializer or Railtie, make sure to configure Sidekiq after the relevant gems have been loaded.

Here's a rough outline of the order of operations in a Rails app:

  1. Gem loading
  2. Rails initialization
  3. Rails initializers (ordered by load order)
  4. Railties (ordered by load order)
  5. after_initialize callback

In general, it's a good idea to configure Sidekiq as late in the process as possible, to ensure that any dependencies have been loaded.

Approach Execution Order
Rails initializer During Rails initialization, after gem loading
Railtie During Rails initialization, after gem loading
Sidekiq configuration file During Sidekiq initialization, after Rails initialization

By keeping the order of operations in mind, you can avoid common pitfalls and ensure that your Sidekiq configuration is executed correctly.


Wrapping Sidekiq.configure_server in Rails after_initialize might seem like a logical approach, but it's a trap! By using one of the above solutions, you can successfully configure Sidekiq and get back to building your amazing Rails app.

Remember to keep the order of operations in mind, and don't hesitate to reach out if you have any further questions or concerns. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get to the bottom of the Sidekiq.configure_server conundrum and uncover the secrets to a smoothly running Rails app!

Why can't I wrap Sidekiq.configure_server in Rails after_initialize?

You can't wrap Sidekiq.configure_server in Rails after_initialize because the after_initialize callback is executed after the application has finished initializing, and by that time, it's too late to configure Sidekiq. Sidekiq needs to be configured before the workers are started, which happens during the initialization phase.

What happens if I put Sidekiq.configure_server in a Rails initializer?

If you put Sidekiq.configure_server in a Rails initializer, it will work as expected. Rails initializers are executed during the application's initialization phase, which is the perfect time to configure Sidekiq. Just make sure to put it in a file loaded after the Sidekiq gem has been required.

Can I use Rails.config.after_initialize to configure Sidekiq?

No, you can't use Rails.config.after_initialize to configure Sidekiq. As mentioned earlier, after_initialize is executed too late in the application's lifecycle, and Sidekiq needs to be configured before the workers are started.

How do I ensure my Sidekiq workers are configured correctly in a Rails app?

To ensure your Sidekiq workers are configured correctly, put your configuration code in a Rails initializer (e.g., config/initializers/sidekiq.rb) and make sure it's loaded after the Sidekiq gem has been required. This way, you can be certain that your Sidekiq configuration is applied before the workers are started.

What's the best practice for configuring Sidekiq in a Rails application?

The best practice for configuring Sidekiq in a Rails application is to put your configuration code in a dedicated initializer file (e.g., config/initializers/sidekiq.rb) and load it during the application's initialization phase. This approach ensures that your Sidekiq configuration is applied correctly and consistently across your application.

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